Thursday, May 7, 2009
Hypnosis for IBS
Hypnotherapy Treats Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Found an Interesting Video on Hypnosis and the Law of Attraction
As you watch the video you'll see the visualization aspects described, things like getting detailed, knowing what you want, etc. This is where I have trouble. Holding those pictures in my mind and not drifting off on some tangent. That's why I like to use hypnosis audios like these. I just pick a subject I feel I need help with and then listen.
Here's the video. Enjoy and then start creating the life you want.
Saturday, May 2, 2009
5 New Self Hypnosis Audios
Love Your Imperfect Partner- This is certainly a door that swings both ways. You know your partner isn't perfect and they know the same thing about you.
Be More Productive- This is one I'm going to get my hands on. Improving my focus is my number one goal for this year.
Personal Grooming
- Your look and how you take car of your self says a lot. Remember first impressions, you can only make one.
Sales Superstar- Really this is for everyone. We are all always selling our selves if nothing else.
Talk with Tact- Stop putting your foot in your mouth. This would be another good one for me. lol..
Get more info by clicking here.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Hypnotherapist Very Successful at Helping to Quit Smoking
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Medical Community Embracing Hypnosis
Thursday, April 23, 2009
10 Steps to Become a Non-Smoker Using Hypnosis
I use hypnosis programs on myself for several different things. Confidence, public speaking, fear of flying that sort of stuff. And I've smoked in the past and I have lots of friends that still smoke today. I know how difficult it can be to quit and I know how important it is that you do quit.
I came across some research that showed that the best way to quit was to use a combination of nicotine or cigarette substitutes and some type of behavioral treatment. A substitute might be "Zyban" or nicotine gum or the "Patch". Behavioral treatment would be psychotherapy or hypnosis.
For my book self hypnosis audios are going to be your best bet for the behavioral side of things. An audio you can listen to over and over would be of tremendous value to someone who is serious about stopping smoking.
One of the top hypnosis programs for quitting is the "10 Steps to Becoming a Non-Smoker" program. You can read more about it by clicking here. The program even lets you continue to smoke right up to the point where you just don't want one any more. Less pressure, less stress, more success.
Check it out right now.
Much like a computer programmer can fix a computer program that does not react well in certain situations. Hypnosis helps to reprogram our reactions so they are more positive and beneficial to us. For example, getting over a fear of the dentist or a fear of flying. Building more self confidence or eliminating procrastination.
Watch the following free video, just click the link.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
5 Hypnosis Myths
Many people believe that they can't be hypnotized and/or that hypnosis is not something that can work for them. But as someone who uses hypnosis daily to help improve my life I can attest to the power and ease of hypnosis. So I bring you the following article.
5 Hypnosis Myths Exploded
OVER the years, hypnosis has picked up all sorts of weird associations from stage hypnotists, the media and superstition. This is a great shame, because in reality, hypnosis is your single most effective tool for change. Hypnosis is your birthright, and you should know how to use it so it doesn't use you. Here we dispel the biggest hypnosis myths.
Hypnosis Myth 1) All hypnosis is the same
As with anything, hypnosis can be good, bad or indifferent. The most common is old-style authoritarian hypnosis of the type "You are getting sleepy, you are feeling confident". Unsurprisingly, this sort of hypnosis doesn't work well with many people. Good hypnosis uses subtle psychological principles and advanced communication patterns.
It's like the difference between a football coach who thinks you'll perform best if he yells at you, compared with the more elegant style of a great leader who knows that to get the best from his people, he needs to understand motivation, to cajole, encourage and reward.
Hypnosis offers hundreds of sessions using the best type of hypnosis.
Hypnosis Myth 2) Subliminals work
Subliminals are words that you can't hear. Common sense says they shouldn't work, and there's no research proving that they do.
Hypnosis Myth 3) Some people can't be hypnotized
The only reason you can't be hypnotized is if you are incapable of paying attention due to extremely low IQ or brain damage. That's not to say that every hypnotist can hypnotize you however. The more flexible the hypnotist, the more effective she will be with the largest number of people.
Hypnosis Myth 4) Hypnosis is something weird that other people do to you
If you couldn't go into hypnosis, you wouldn't be able to sleep, to learn, or get nervous through 'negative self hypnosis'. (You know when you imagine things going wrong and it makes you feel anxious? Well that's self hypnosis!)
Hypnosis is simply a deliberate utilization of the REM (Rapid Eye Movement) or dream state. We're not giving people medication here – if it wasn't a natural ability, hypnosis wouldn't work!
Hypnosis Myth 5) You lose control in hypnosis
Crazy news stories, stage hypnotists and gossip have created the illusion that you lose control in hypnosis. In fact, when hypnotized, you are relaxed and focused – and able to choose to get up and walk away at any time. You choose to give your attention to the hypnotist, and you can withdraw it at any time.
If you have been scared of hypnosis in the past, this article has hopefully convinced you to at least give it a try. But remember, ensure what you're getting is the real thing. Visit
[Notes for use: you are licensed only to use this material unaltered to promote the affiliate program.]
Article by Mark Tyrrell of Hypnosis
Monday, April 13, 2009
Hypnosis Audios for Positive Change!
More and more medical doctors are turning to hypnosis to assist in treating their medical cases. Some doctors believe that up to 85% of medical conditions contain, at their core, an emotional component. Normal medical procedures can't deal with the emotions that either caused the problem or are making the problem persist so alternatives have to be used. That's were hypnosis comes in. For more on the medical aspects of hypnosis here is an article from the Mayo Clinic.
So how can hypnosis help me?
Much like medical conditions our bad habits and negative behaviors stem from some type of emotional problem or issue in our sub conscious mind. Something we may not even be aware of now but none the less it holds us back. Things that may have happened in grade school or something a parent or authority figure said in anger. A mindless or careless boyfriend or girlfriend. Quietly these issues build up over the years, you forget what caused them but still they lurk under the surface of your thoughts, waiting. And they come up and bite you at the most inopportune times. Things like not being able to speak in front of others. Not able to handle money, unable to maintain a close relationship the list goes on and on. You know what your weaknesses are. So, much like handling a medical condition's emotional component, hypnosis can be used to weaken your problem area and strengthen yourself for the future. For much more detail and insight on the subconscious mind and hypnosis click here.
How hypnosis works.
I've used hypnosis, I like to use the term guided visualization, now for several years. I went through a divorce that was very hard on me and after months of suffering I finally found help. I started listening to some guided hypnosis tapes that a friend gave me every day. By using the program I was able to get into a very deep relaxation like trance. My body would feel like it was floating and I was watching from another vantage point. The voice on those tapes became a warm and welcome friend and the words that were spoken seemed to be spoken just for me. Within a week I was feeling much better and I have been able to make friends with my Ex for the benefit of our kids and they are doing great.
Now I use hypnosis in other problem areas of my life, to stop procrastinating, building self confidence, things like that.
Get a free introduction to hypnosis if you're interested. Positive change for you can be easy. You just have to listen. Click here and good luck.